The process begins with our customer questionnaire. This tool ensures that we have a clear understating of the desires of our customers, construction specifications and local building codes. From there we provide a preliminary estimate and plans if desired. Following the preliminary estimate and plans, we will follow up with a more formal proposal, estimated time-line and revised plans for initial approval. A revision will follow if necessary. We solicit customer input each step of the way throughout the proposal process. This allows our customers to have significant input during the design and planning phases of the project.
Upon commencement of a project, A.A.T.C. provides a checklist to its customers so that they may stay abreast of their responsibilities during construction. Included is a project timeline, preparation tips, resources for selection of fixtures, cabinets & counters and a project conclusion procedure.
During construction, a team consisting of a lead carpenter, project manager and account supervisor will be reviewing progress on a regular basis. Customers can expect daily site visits by our project manager, weekly progress reviews with our account supervisor and many opportunities for input. Should changes be requested or required, a written change order procedure is implemented. A complete outline of A.A.T.C. procedures is provided at the start of each project.